Some research about how the user profile service app, and how it stores and cleans up profiles for the following scenarios:
- What happens when a user is “Disabled”
- What happens when a user is “Moved” into an OU that is NOT flagged for import from AD)
- What happens when a user is “Removed” from active directory.
When a user is "Disabled" in AD
User profile sync will NOT remove the user from SP user profiles. Because this user may still have meta information in site collections.
This disabled user will loss previous accesses associated with him, but all the files items/documents/files he was working with will be kept.
When a user is "Moved" into an OU that is NOT flagged for import from AD or when user is "Removed" from AD
User Profile is marked for deletion in the Profile database.
You can't retrive user information from user profile service anymore.
User won't be in search result once search crawl refreshed.
However the files/documents/items this user created will be kept.
A timer job called "My Site Cleanup will purge the profiles marked for deletion from SP user profile. this job run hourly by default.
What if I want my user profile service NOT to pick up any disabled account?
To filter/exclude users during imports, do the following:
- Go to Central Administration and under Application Management, click Manage service applications
- Click on the link to your User Profile Service Application
- Under Synchronization, click Configure Synchronization Connections
- Click on the connection you want to filter and select Edit Connection Filters from the drop down
- Under Exclusion Filter for Users, select whether the statement should be "AND" or "OR" (So if you have multiple filter statements, make sure you pick the right one)
- Select the Attribute to filter (wait for the page to reload as it's updating the Operator fields)
- Select the Operator to use (changes based on attribute)
- Input the filter value into the Filter field
- Click Add to include the exclusion filter
Exclude disabled users:
- Attribute - userAccountControl
- Operator - Bit on equals
- Filter - 2
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